Congratulations to the Vernal Pool for the launch of Volume 8, Issue 1, featuring Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, and Visual art from nearly 20 UC Merced Undergraduate students, including contest winner Ying Wei Zhang, for her story "Upside-Down Swing."
Opening Excerpt from the Letter from the Editor, Remy Sumida-Tate:
Dear reader:
Welcome back.
As our editorial team's work on the first issue of the eighth volume of The Vernal Pool concludes, so too does UC Merced's first semester back on campus since the spring of 2020. The road has been long, but as we approach the new year at rapid speeds, it seems as though what lies ahead will hopefully be a little easier on us all.
The Vernal Pool provides our fellow undergraduate students at the University of California, Merced with the opportunity to cherish that path however, and publish their incredible writing, art, and other creative works within our pages. Our own journey would simply not be possible without the contributions from the campus' diverse student body, for both creative submissions as well as our publication itself... [read more and view entire issue here: ]