UC Undergraduate Publishing Opportunities:
UC Merced Opportunities & Contests
Vernal Pool: The Vernal Pool is a literary journal that provides undergraduate students from the University of California, Merced the opportunity to showcase their creativity through the power of literature and art. The journal is produced in conjunction with the Writing Minor's Journal Production 131 Series. All current UC Merced students are encouraged to submit their creative work. Click here for complete submission guidelines. To view the most recent issue, visit here.
Undergraduate Research Journal: The UC Merced Undergraduate Research Journal, a fully Open Access publication of research conducted by undergraduates at the University of California, Merced. The URJ accepts submissions from all disciplines of academic study and encourages UCM undergraduates and recent alumni who have completed research or are currently engaged in research with either a faculty member or graduate student to submit their work. Former or current coursework projects—including but not limited to research studies, critical essays, extended reviews of scholarly works, and the like—as well as independent research conducted by UCM students outside of the purview of their coursework are also acceptable for submission. The journal is produced in conjunction with the Writing Minor's Journal Production 131 Series. Click here for submission guidelines. To view the most recent issue, visit here.
Undergraduate Historical and Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Journal: The Undergraduate Historical and Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Journal at UC Merced is a student-led publication that publishes undergraduate historical research and book reviews. As a project of the Historical Society at UC Merced, it seeks to expand student opportunities.
Carter Joseph Abrescy and Larry Kranich Library Award for Student Research Excellence: The Carter Joseph Abrescy and Larry Kranich Library Award for Student Research Excellence was established in 2017 to recognize outstanding undergraduate research at UC Merced. The award recognizes students who demonstrate effective use of library and information resources, as well as an understanding of the research process and growth in research practices. A committee of faculty and librarians will review applications and select awardees. A total of $1,000 will be awarded each year; no more than two awards of $500 each will be awarded in a given year. For contest details, click here.
UC-Wide Opportunities & Contests
MatchBox Magazine: Serves “as a platform for underrepresented voices for the artists that make up the undergraduate body within the entire UC system. We aim to publish quality art, prose, poetry, music, and spoken word that reflects the diversity of students and art alike. As the only UC-wide literary magazine, we aspire to serve as a unifying factor between the nine UC campuses and offer wide exposure for student artists. To submit work, click here.
Ina Coolbrith poetry prize: A prize "awarded for the best unpublished poem or group of poems by an undergraduate student at University of California campuses, University of the Pacific, Mills College, Stanford University, Santa Clara University, and St. Mary's College. Each participating school may submit three entries to UC Berkeley to compete in the overall contest.” To submit, ask your UC Merced Creative Writing Instructors or visit the contest page for details.
Other Publishing Resources
Poets & Writers: Writing Contests, Grants & Awards: “The Writing Contests, Grants & Awards database includes details about the creative writing contests—including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, and more—that we’ve published in Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year. We carefully review the practices and policies of each contest before including it. Ours is the most trusted resource for legitimate writing contests available anywhere.”
Poets & Writers: Literary Magazines: "Connect your poems, stories, essays, and reviews to the right audiences by researching over twelve hundred literary magazines in our database. Here, you’ll find editorial policies, submission guidelines, contact information—everything you need to direct your work to the publications most amenable to your vision."
Duotrope (subcription required - $5.00/month; $50/year): "Duotrope is an established, award-winning resource for writers and artists [that] offers submission trackers, custom searches, deadline calendars, statistical reports, and extensive interviews."
Literistic (subscription required - $7/month): An emailed newsletter sent monthly "with opportunities for fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction authors." These curated newsletters offer deadlines for contests, residencies, and open submission periods are sent directly to your email inbox on the 1st of every month.