Continuing Lecturer (and Founding Faculty) 
PhD, English, U of Rochester, 2003
BA with Honors in English, Rutgers U, 1991
Teaching and Research Interests
science writing, ecocomposition, writing for the environment, writing for public policy, history of science, professional writing, critical memoir
Selected Publications, Presentations, and Professional Activities
- with Blanca Galvez Jimenez, “The Undocumented Experience at the Limits of Memoir: The Un/Documented Dreams Anthology Project” (under review at Writing on the Edge).
- “Eighteenth-Century Studies and the Interdisciplinary Back History of the Natural Sciences” (forthcoming in The Eighteenth-Century Intelligencer).
- “Integrated General Education and the Extent of Interdisciplinarity: The University of California-Merced’s Core 1 Curriculum,” The Journal of General Education 62.2-3 (2013): 84-111.
- “Suburban Studies and College Writing: Applying Ecocomposition,” Pedagogy 9.1 (2009): 35-59.
- “Some Avenues into the Anglo-American Picaresque,” MLA Approaches to Teaching the Lazarillo de Tormes and the Picaresque Tradition. Ed. Anne J. Cruz. New York: Modern Language Association, 2008. 135-42.
- “Surveying the Literary Landscape: The Romantic Anthology as Environment,” in special issue, “Romantic Pedagogies and Ecology,” Romantic Circles (September 2006).
- “The Picturesque and the Production of Space: Suburban Ideology in Austen,” in special issue, “New Perspectives on the Picturesque,” European Romantic Review 13.1 (Winter 2002): 49-62.
Conference Presentations
- “Picturesque Travel Writing as Citizen Science,” Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Fort Collins, 2020
- “Landscape Aesthetics and the Fate of Natural History,” Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Santa Barbara, 2017
- “Multimodal Readers and Monomodal Measures: A Rhetorical Analysis of ‘Brain Prefers Paper’ Studies,” Computers and Composition Conference, Rochester, 2016
- “Writing from the Ground Up: Community and Composition at a New University,” Inaugural Conference on Community Writing, Boulder, 2015
Contact Information
Office Phone: 209-217-7247